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    블록체인보다 암호화폐다!

    블록체인보다 암호화폐다! 광주과학기술진흥원 연속기획 컬럼 4호 2019년 5월 26일 GIST 이흥노 전기전자컴퓨터공학부 교수 센서지능화 센터장 블록체인경제 센터장 4차 산업혁명의 뜨거운 열풍이 대한민국을 휩쓸었던 게 2016년 초엽이었다. 근대에는 화약제조, 총기, 자동차, 비행기, 조선술 등의 기술혁신에서 뒤처지면 나라를 빼앗겼다. 현대에 들어와서는 전기전자, 컴퓨터, 생명과학 등 분야에서 기술혁신을 선도하지 못하고 뒤처지게 되면, 외국계 글로벌기업이 우리시장에 들어와 우리의 일자리를…

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    사 천년 Fintech 역사

    [Applause] 00:06 okay yeah thank you very much for the 00:09 introduction and thank thank all of you 00:13 for inviting me to give this talk as you 00:19 mentioned I have kind of a mixed 00:20 background I have a career as a finance 00:25 professor at the Yale School of 00:27 Management but…

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    Deep Learning

    Deep Learning is introduced in this page. Although it is not complete as of yet, the links provided in this page are hot and the materials there are genuine and could be very useful to know about the deep learning. Computer vision is a field in computer science. It looks like CV’s current objective is…

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    What is a spectrometer? A nice Youtube video by NC Community College exists which answers this question: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHQM4BbR040. Can we make a spectrometer? Yes!!! Now I have a transmittance pattern. Where can I obtain the library of known materials so that I can compare the transmittance pattern of my sample with those included in the…

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    Negative SNR Communications

    Communicating reliably to a remote receiver under a negative dB signal to noise ratio (SNR) condition This is a note supplement to my lecture note for GIST College’s Communications Engineering course. Thus, this note may not be understandable on its own. Imagine such a case where the signal power is much smaller than the noise…