Conference Notice

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    블록체인법학호 10월 컨퍼런스

    <리브라노믹스와 디지털 경제> 두 번째 컨퍼런스 – ‘2020년 리브라 되나?’ 10/22(화) 저녁 논스에서 ‘2020년 리브라 되나?’ 주제로 <리브라노믹스와 디지털 경제> 두 번째 컨퍼런스가 열렸습니다. 발표자료와 유튜브 영상, 그리고 1회 자료도…

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    2019 Consensus New York

    Hello world! My research team and I will be in New York during the coming week starting from May 12th to May 16th attending NY Consensus 2019. Our booth space…

  • 2016년 GIST 연구성과물 전시회

    2016년 GIST 연구성과물 전시회 소개자료 Whole week from 11.21~11.26 there will be Research Outcome Exhibition at GIST Oryong hall. Please come meet people of GIST and check our boost!

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    [Conference Notice] – IEEE CTW2017 | IEEE ISIT2017 | IJCAI2017 | ASA2017

    1. 2017 IEEE Communication Theory Workshop The workshop will be held at the superb Intercontinetal Resort on the beautiful Natadola bay in tropical Fiji from June 11-14, 2017. Natadola bay is…

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    [Conference Notice] – ICASSP / CONIELECOMP / ICAART

    1. (ICASSP 2017) The 42th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Place: New Orleans, USA Date: March 5-9, 2017 Submission of regular papers: September 12th, 2016   2.…

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    IEEE Gwangju Section

    This page is dedicated to IEEE Gwangju Section. The Section will promote membership development by continuing to organize social and technical meetings, give student awards in local technical meetings, encourage…

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    Conference Alerts

    BCI Name When Where Deadline Contents ICASSP 2016 May 20~25, 2016 Shanghai, China September 25, 2015 The 41st IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing ICONIP 2016 Oct 16-21, 2016…