20240116 INFONET Journal Club Presenter: Seungmin Kim
AI-DEX introduces an innovative approach in decentralized exchange (DEX) technology, utilizing Automated Market Maker (AMM) algorithms and Price Oracle technology. The key aspect of AI-DEX is its ability to mitigate…
프로젝트 Github 주소는 (ETH-ECC) 입니다. 여기에서 우리는 WorldLand사업에 대하여 설명하고자 합니다. WorldLand는 보다 양자 내성을 지닌 탈 중앙화된 블록체인 디지털 네트워크를 의미합니다. R&D Projects Education Business Projects Github SNS…
INFONET Lab, GIST has set up ETH-ECC Ethereum blockchain. Any one around the world can connect with ETH-ECC. Metamask Connection and Explorer are also implemented for this network. ETH-ECC Network…
Introduction INFONET Lab, GIST has set up ETH-ECC Ethereum blockchain. Any one around the world can connect with ETH-ECC. Metamask Connection and Explorer are also implemented for this network. Block…
“Explorer for BIT-ECC is currently being upgraded and will be available very soon” This is the explorer of the testnet of Bitcoin ECCPoW. (Currently upgrading, will be up and running…
GIST Swap Service Testing Site GIST Swap은 Uniswap을 기반으로 합니다. Swap은 간단하게 말하면 자동화된 토큰 환전소입니다. Uniswap에 관한 자세한 내용은 공식 Uniswap 웹 사이트(를 참조하십시오. GIST Swap 서비스는 비상업용…
Running DNS Seeder for BIT-ECC Network 2021년 3월 9일 Heung-No Lee, Ha Young Park Bitcoin-seeder is a crawler for the Bitcoin network, which exposes a list of reliable nodes via…