
  • INFONET Journal Club: “Green-PoW: An energy-efficient blockchain Proof-of-Work consensus algorithm”

    20240116 INFONET Journal Club Presenter: Seungmin Kim

  • [AI-DEX] AI-AMM based DEX

    AI-DEX introduces an innovative approach in decentralized exchange (DEX) technology, utilizing Automated Market Maker (AMM) algorithms and Price Oracle technology. The key aspect of AI-DEX is its ability to mitigate…

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    프로젝트 Github 주소는 (ETH-ECC) 입니다. 여기에서 우리는 WorldLand사업에 대하여 설명하고자 합니다. WorldLand는 보다 양자 내성을 지닌 탈 중앙화된 블록체인 디지털 네트워크를 의미합니다. R&D Projects Education Business Projects Github SNS…

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    ETH-ECC Ethereum Blockchain

    INFONET Lab, GIST has set up ETH-ECC Ethereum blockchain. Any one around the world can connect with ETH-ECC. Metamask Connection and Explorer are also implemented for this network. ETH-ECC Network…

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    ETH-ECC Ethereum Blockchain

    Introduction INFONET Lab, GIST has set up ETH-ECC Ethereum blockchain. Any one around the world can connect with ETH-ECC. Metamask Connection and Explorer are also implemented for this network. Block…

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    GIST LiberVance Bitcoin ECCPoW Testnet

    “Explorer for BIT-ECC is currently being upgraded and will be available very soon” This is the explorer of the testnet of Bitcoin ECCPoW. (Currently upgrading, will be up and running…

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    GIST Swap

    GIST Swap Service Testing Site   GIST Swap은 Uniswap을 기반으로 합니다. Swap은 간단하게 말하면 자동화된 토큰 환전소입니다. Uniswap에 관한 자세한 내용은 공식 Uniswap 웹 사이트(를 참조하십시오. GIST Swap 서비스는 비상업용…

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    Running DNS Seeder for BIT-ECC Network

    Running DNS Seeder for BIT-ECC Network 2021년 3월 9일 Heung-No Lee, Ha Young Park Bitcoin-seeder is a crawler for the Bitcoin network, which exposes a list of reliable nodes via…

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    Zero-Knowledge Proofs

    영지식 증명관련 국문설명자료 링크 Groth16 프로토콜의 MATLAB 구현체 다운로드 & 실행 (Download and run a MATLAB implementation of Groth16 protocol) What is zero-knowledge proof? In cryptography, a zero-knowledge proof or zero-knowledge protocol is a method…

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    Researchers developed a new ultrasound imaging method utilizing wave interference

    A team of researchers at Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology has developed a new ultrasound imaging method using random wave interference. The proposed method can image nylon wires as…