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    사 천년 Fintech 역사

    [Applause] 00:06 okay yeah thank you very much for the 00:09 introduction and thank thank all of you 00:13 for inviting me to give this talk as you 00:19 mentioned…

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    Repository for AI research

    This repository is designed to collect brilliant research ideas for our AI researches on sensor intelligence. So, the person who want to post their summaries, please follow these steps for…

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    How to publish a post using MS word

    When publishing a blog for the first time Open word document that you wish to publish as blog post In the word document navigate to File > Share > Post…

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    [AI-post 4]

    [AI-post 4] Anomaly Detection method via GAN (posting date : 190529) 이번에는 [AnoGAN]에 대한 아이디어를 최대한 수식 없이 풀어보고자 합니다. <요약> 본 논문에선 다음을 내용에 대해 이야기하고자 합니다. – 일반적으로…

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    2019 Consensus New York

    Hello world! My research team and I will be in New York during the coming week starting from May 12th to May 16th attending NY Consensus 2019. Our booth space…

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    [AI-post 3]

    [AI-post 3] Exam problem prediction for the judicial examination (posting date : 190429) TF-KR URL : Article URL : * 일단 아쉽게도, 관련 paper 및 상세 내용 소개…

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    [BC-post 1]

    URL : 이번 기회에 Blockchain 과 AI간의 기술 융합에 대한 내용을 찾아보았습니다. (따로 필요한 일이 있어서 ^^;) 저자의 주장에 따르면 Blockchain의 데이터 공유성, 보안성, 신뢰성 특징을 AI의 데이터 의존성, 기능에…

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    [AI-post 1]

    URL : Paper : R.Evans,, ‘ De novo structure prediction with deep-learning based scoring’, A.W.Senior In Thirteenth Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction (Abstracts) 1-4 December 2018…

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    [AI-post 2]

    AI 연구소 중 top tear 인 Deepmind 블로그를 보다, 재미있는 내용들이 보여 몇개 짧게나마 소개 드려보고자 합니다. 관심있으신 분들은 읽어보셔도 좋을 것 같습니다. 1. Machine learning can boost the value…

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    Blog posting

    Explanation of the ways to posting the blog pages. (Written dates : 2019.04.22) This page was made for representation and categorization of the posted blog. If there is anyone who…