
Information and System Group

Seungmin Kim Avatar


September 2014

1 2014-09-22 Distributed Channel Coding for Underwater Acoustic
Cooperative Networks
Zafar Iqbal (doc)  
Multiuser cooperative schemes usually rely on relay selection or channel selection to avoid deep fading and achieve diversity while maintaining acceptable spectral efficiency. In some applications such as underwater acoustic communications, the low speed of the acoustic wave results in a very long delay between the channel state information (CSI) measurement time and the relay assignment time, which leads to a severely outdated CSI.To remedy this, a distributed coding schemes that aim at achieving good diversity-multiplexing trade-off (DMT) for multiuser scenarios, where CSI is not available for resource allocation has been proposed. A network with multiple source nodes, multiple relay nodes, and a single destination is considered. First, a distributed linear block coding scheme, including Reed-Solomon codes, where each relay implements a column of the generator matrix of the code, and soft decision decoding is employed to retrieve the information at the destination side, is introduced. The end-to-end error performance of this scheme has been derived and shown that the achievable diversity equals the minimum Hamming distance of the underlying code, while its DMT outperforms that of existing schemes. Then the proposed scheme has been extended to distributed convolutional codes, and shown that achieving higher diversity orders is also possible.

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