
Information and System Group

Seungmin Kim Avatar


July 2015

1 2015-07-20 An experimental performance evaluation of a novel radio-transmitter identification system under diverse environmental conditions Jusung Kang (PDF)
In this paper, the effects of environmental conditions on a radio-transmitter identification system are investigated. Changing in environmental conditions causes the feature vectors to spread over the feature space, resulting in classification performance degradation. This performance degradation can be compensated for by training the system with data collected in a range of battery-voltage and ambient temperature levels. The SNR vs Classification accuracy is also determined for systems operating in noisy channels. The transient features are extracted using a technique based on the amplitudes and phase changes of the received signals

June 2015

1 2015-06-29 Coexistence Decision Making for Spectrum Sharing among Heterogeneous Wireless Systems Muhammad asif (PDF)
In this paper authors tackle spectrum sharing with an objective of enabling coexistence among dissimilar TVWS networks. The sharing problem is defined as multi-objective optimization problem (MOOP). An algorithm to solve the MOOP has also been presented in the paper. Finally the simulation study shows the superiority of the proposed algorithm over existing coexistence decision making algorithms in terms of fairness and percentage of demand served.

April 2015

1 2015-04-13 Fast Non-Negative Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Haeung Choi  (PDF)
Non-negative signal is an important class of sparse signals. Many algorithms have already been proposed to recover such non-negative sparse representations. One of such modification is Non-Negative Orthogonal Matching Pursuit(NNOMP), which satisfies non-negative constraint by selecting positive coefficients and using a non-negative optimization technique. However, since it consumes the extra computational costs, the most significant benefit of OMP—fast implementation—cannot be exhibited. Therefore, author proposed a fast implementation of NNOMP similar with canonical fast OMP based on QR decomposition method, called Fast Non-Negative Orthogonal Matching Pursuit(FNNOMP).
2 2015-04-27 Opportunistic Routing Algorithm for Relay Node Selection in Wireless Sensor Networks Zafar Iqbal (DOC)
Energy saving optimization has become one of the major concerns in wireless sensor network (WSN) routing protocol design, due to the fact that most sensor nodes are equipped with limited non-rechargeable battery power. This paper focuses on minimizing energy consumption and maximizing network lifetime for data relay in one-dimensional (1-D) queue network. Using opportunistic routing theory, multihop relay decision to optimize the network energy efficiency is made based on the differences among sensor nodes, in terms of both their distance to sink and the residual energy of each other. Specifically, an Energy Saving via Opportunistic Routing (ENS_OR) algorithm is designed to ensure minimum power cost during data relay and protect the nodes with relatively low residual energy. Extensive simulations and real testbed results show that the proposed solution ENS_OR can significantly improve the network performance on energy saving and wireless connectivity in comparison with other existing WSN routing schemes.

March 2015

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