
Information and System Group

Seungmin Kim Avatar


No Date Title Speaker Presentation Discussion
1 2013-06-13  Signal Recovery From Random Measurements Via Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Sangjun  pdf pdf 
This paper is to show that a sufficient condition on the number of measurements for a successful greedy algorithm called Orthogonal Matching Pursuit. We understand how the authors of this paper derive their sufficient condition.
2  2013-06-27 Link Status Monitoring Using Network Coding  Jin-Taek  (pdf)
 This work has presented a novel approach to link status monitoring based on a deterministic approach that exploits linear network coding at the internal nodes in a network. The key problem of identifiability for such approaches was highlighted and various insights provided regarding this concept. New sufficient conditions were derived for successfully identifying a congested link in any logical network, and tradeoffs between length of training slots and size of the network coding alphabet established.

May 2013

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