Lab News

[March 7th, 2022] Prof. Lee was appointed as an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (JCR IF = 11.448, IF Ranking 6/139, top 4% SCI Journal for CS/AI분야). (보도자료

[Aug. 23rd, 2021]  Prof. Lee gave a plenary talk “Emerging Global Monetary Networks on Blockchains”. Jeju, Korea

[Aug. 14th, 2021]  2021 summer graduation.

[Jul. 5th 2021] “GIST 블록체인 지능 융합센터 (이흥노 교수), 대학ICT연구센터 신규 선정”, GIST, Gwangju, Korea

[Jun. 3rd 2021] “지스트 블록체인인터넷경제연구센터 (이흥노 교수) 스위스 비영리 단체와 블록체인 전문가 상호 교류”, GIST, Gwangju, Korea

[May. 11th 2021] “지스트 인공지능연구소 (이흥노 소장), 서울대와 인공지능 분야 협력 체결”, GIST, Gwangju, Korea

[Feb. 19th, 2020]  2021 winter graduation.

2021 Winter Graduation

[Oct. 19th 2020] “지스트 이흥노 교수, 대통령직속 정책기획위원회 자문위원 위촉”, GIST, Gwangju, Korea

[Aug. 14th, 2020]  2020 summer graduation.

[Jun. 16th 2020] “광주과학기술원 이흥노 교수 연구팀, 해상도 4배 향상 초음파 이미징 기법 개발”, GIST, Gwangju, Korea

[May. 27th 2020] “지스트 인공지능연구소 (이흥노 소장), 서울대와 인공지능 분야 협력 체결”, GIST, Gwangju, Korea

[Feb. 28th 2020] 2020 Winter Seminar “AI and Machine Learning” was presented by 성진택, 신영학 교수, GIST, Gwangju, Korea

[Feb. 14th, 2020]  2020 winter graduation.

[Feb. 6~8th, 2020]  Hyoungsung Kim gave a poster presentation on “2020년도 동계종합학술발표회” held in Pyeongchang, Korea.

[January 30th, 2020] A team of researchers at Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology has developed a new ultrasound imaging method using random wave interference. The proposed method can image nylon wires as small as 0.08-mm in diameter. Link

[Dec. 13th 2019]  Prof. Heung-No Lee received ‘Haedong Academic Award’ from the Institute of Electronics and information engineers, Seoul, Korea.

[Jul. 23th ~ 27th 2019]  Yaseen.J given a presentation titled “Decentralized framework for medical images based on blockchain and inter planatary file system” at 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2019) held in Berlin, Germany.

[July 22nd, 2019] ConsenSys and Blockchain Economy Center held an MOU ceremony at GIST.


[July 10th ~ 12th 2019] JuSung Kang attended at the ‘Unmanned system World Congress (UWC) 2019’ at Seoul Coex.

[May 31st 2019] Prof. Heung-No Lee gave a lecture titled “블록체인 기술 이해와 활용” at 한국은행 광주전남본부. (pdf)

[May 27th 2019] Prof. Heung-No Lee gave a lecture titled “Scalable DeSecure ECCPoW Blockchains” at ETHcon Korea 2019. (pdf) English pdf

[May 22th 2019] JuSung Kang and GilJun Jung attended at the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution & Use and Protection of Personal Data” at Seoul

[May 1st 2019] Prof. Heung-No Lee gave a lecture titled “Scalable DeSecure ECCPoW Blockchains” at JCCI. (pdf)

[April 16th 2019] Prof. Heung-No Lee gave a lecture titled “SEC Security Guideline and Implications” at Yeouido National Assembly(여의도 국회). (pptx)

[April 4th 2019] Prof. Heung-No Lee made a presentation titled “Blockchain and Future Society” at the GIST 혁신기업가교육센터. (pdf)

[March 27th 2019] Prof. Heung-No Lee gave a lecture titled “Understanding Bitcoin and Novel Results” at Korea University. (pdf)

[February 28th 2019] Kiwon’s manuscript “Multimodal Sparse Representation-Based Classification scheme for RF Fingerprinting”, paper number CL2018-2649.R1, is now accepted for publication in the IEEE Communications Letters.

[February 22th 2019] Prof. Heung-No Lee gave a plenary talk on “2019 Australia-Korea FinTech Symposium” held in Sydney, Australia. (pdf)

[January 23th 2019] Prof. Heung-No Lee gave a plenary talk on “International Conferences on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC) 2019” held in Auckland, New Zealand. (링크)

[December 2018] Prof. Heung-No Lee gave a magazine column “혁신성장 산학연관협력으로 만든다!” at 광주과학기술진흥원, Korea. (링크)

[October 2018] Prof. Heung-No Lee gave a magazine column “혁신과 포용으로 지속성장하는 4차 산업혁명시대 국가 건설” at 광주과학기술진흥원, Korea. (링크)

[August 10th 2018] Prof. Heung-No Lee gave an interview to 서남해안기업도시개발. (링크)

[July 19th 2018] Prof. Heung-No Lee gave a talk “블록체인과 AI” at Korea University, Korea.

[May 2nd 2018] Prof. Heung-No Lee gave a talk and Cheolsun Kim, Jehyuk Jang attended on “2018 한국전자공학회 하계종합학술대회 ” held in Jeju, Korea.

[May 2nd 2018] Prof. Heung-No Lee gave a plenary talk and Jehyuk Jang attended on “2018 joint conference on communications and information (JCCI)” held in Yeosu, Korea. (유튜브)

[April 26th 2018] 이흥노 교수 연구팀 한화시스템과 공동으로 1㎑~40GHz에 이르는 주파수 대역에서 발생하는 전파 신호를 한꺼번에 왜곡 없이 수신할 수 있는 초광대역 신호 수신 시스템을 개발 (보도자료)

[April 23rd 2018] Blockchain workshop “Cryptocurrency and Sharing Economy” was presented by 김형중 고려대 교수, GIST, Gwangju, KOREA

[April 19th 2018] Lab members attended the workshop “블록체인으로 여는 미래” held in Seoul, KOREA.

[April 18th 2018] Blockchain workshop “Blockchain Rush – Next Gold Rush” was presented by 조원선 IncuBlock 대표, GIST, Gwangju, KOREA

[Feb. 26th 2018] M. Asif Raza has become an assistant professor in the department of Computer Science, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Pakistan.

[Jan. 24th ~ 27th 2018] Prof.Heung-No Lee, Yaseen.J given a presentation on “2018 International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC 2018)” held in Hawaii,USA.

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