Seungmin Kim
Author: Seungmin Kim
Application Group
Application group seminar materials November 2014 No Date Title Speaker Presentation Discussion 1 2014-11-14 Dry and Noncontact EEG Sensors for Mobile Brain–Computer Interfaces Seungchan pdf Conventional BCI systems have always relied on laboratory bound instrumentation and often require extensive subject preparation, including scalp abrasion, gels and a multitude of wired electrodes. For truly mobile…
Schedule and Group teams: Topics Names Optics Hwanchol Jang, Nitin Rawat BCI (Brain Computer Interface) Younghak Shin, Seungchan Lee, Evgeni Kim Medical Ultrasound Pavel Ni, Jintaek Seong Spectrometer Woongbi Lee, Sangjun Park (Image Processing) Topics Names Underwater Acoustic Channel Zafar Iqbal Network Coding Jintaek Seong, Jeongmin Ryu, Woongbi Lee, Jusung Kang, Jongmok Shin, Haeung Choi…
Information and System Group
Information and System Group seminar materials November 2015 1 2015-11-27 Support recovery with orthogonal matching pursuit in the presence of noise Jang Jehyuk PDF In this paper, sufficient and necessary conditions for correct recovery of sparse solution using OMP under the noisy environment are provided. In addition, upper bound of the error rate in recovering is…
Channel Coding Theory 2013
Channel Coding Theory Instructor: Prof. Heung-No Lee e-mail: 1 Introduction to Channel Codes (Shannon’s 1948 paper) HW#0 2 Galois Fields HW#1 3 Polynomials over Galois Fields HW#2 4 Linear Block Codes 5 Linear Block Codes HW#3 6 BCH and Reed-Solomon Codes HW#4 7 BCH and Reed-Solomon Codes 8 Midterm Week Midterm 9…
Introduction to Compressed Sensing 2016
Introduction to Compressed Sensing Instructor: Prof. Heung-No Lee Email: This course was offered in the Spring semester 2011 at GIST. Here is the lecture note Book_CS.pdf for this course. Here is the presentation of professor Heung-No Lee presented at PSIVT 2011 Overview of Compressed Sensing Course Syllabus 1 Introduction to Compressive Sensing, Shannon Nyquist…
Wireless Communications 2012
The Complete Lecture Note on Wireless Communications Instructor: Prof. Heung-No Lee e-mail: 1 General overview (Shannon’s 1948 paper) 2 Optimal Transceiver: Vector Space Representation of Signals 3 Gallager’s Channel Coding Theorem 4 Gallager’s Channel Coding Theorem 5 LDPC codes and probabilistic decoders 6 Multipath fading channels / Diversity systems …
Information Networks
updated by Jintaek Seong (2012. 12.27) Ultimate goal : Design intelligent wireless networks with efficient use of limited resources and self-organizing, and self-sustained capability Research Area
EEG Analysis & BCI
BCI team member : Younghak Shin, Seungchan Lee, Seungyun Choe, Yongwoo Lee, Konrad This project has been supported by “Basic Research Projects in High-tech Industrial Technology” Project through a grant provided by GIST in 2014. BCI (Brain Computer Interface) system BCI provides a new communication and control channel between people and external device. In this system,…
Books Infonet
(180226)AI and Block Chain Book list_v3 No. Title Barcode Number Checkout Date Due Date Current Holder Remarks 1 Convex analysis and optimization 50111 20090409 20140408 Prof.Lee 2 Nonlinear programming Second edition 50112 20090409 20140408 Prof.Lee 3 Combinatorial optimization : algorithm and compexity 50113 20090409 20140408 Prof.Lee 4 조벽교수의 명강의 노하우&노와이 50158 20090413 20140414 Prof.Lee 5 Computational intelligence in biomedical…
Study Materials
Dear members this page is created for sharing your work materials. Users are welcome to share any work. Here is some simulation codes and conference materials. 2017 Study on mathematical thinking 2015 IEIE(대한전자공학회) 하계 학술대회 2013 ISIT tutorial 2013 Study on mathematical thinking 2013 IEEE EMBC 2013 (Osaka, Japan) 2013 International BCI meeting (Monterey, USA) 2013…