Lab News

[November 22, 2014] Younghak Shin, Sungchan Lee, Seungyoon Choi and Heung-No Lee received a best poster award at the 8th International Symposium for Aging in Gwangju, Korea : “Evaluation of Noise robustness of Sparse Representation based Classification method for BCI systems”

[Oct. 17th 2014] The first Korean Study Group of EEG and Neurophysiology symposium 2014 was held at Seoul National Univ. Hospital, Seoul, Korea.

[Sep. 18th 2014] Electronic Warfare Workshop&Exhibition 2014 was held by Agency for Defence Development at Hannam Univ., Daejeon, Korea

2014electronic workshop

[Sep. 16th ~ 19th, 2014]   Seungchan Lee attended International Brain-Computer Interface conference in Graz university of technology, Austria.

[Aug. 7th 2014] Our paper “Speckle suppression via sparse representation for wide-field imaging through turbid media” (Optics Express) has been selected by the Editors, Andrew Dunn and Anthony Durkin, for publication in the most recent issue of the Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics (VJBO) vol. 9, issue. 8, which is a special feature of OSA’s Optics InfoBase,

[Jul. 21st~24th 2014] Prof. Lee gave a lecture on Compressive Sensing and Its Applications at “직장인과 대학원생들을 위한 네트워크 정보이론 단기강좌,” Chungang Univ., Seoul, Korea.


[Jun. 24th 2014] Hwanchol’s manuscript “Speckle Suppression via Sparse Representation for Wide-Field Imaging Through Turbid Media” (manuscript ID: 210588) is now accepted for publication in the Optics Express.

[Jun. 19th~20th 2014] G-TechFair was held in GIST from 19th to 20th of June. Our lab participated in it with 3 technologies(“Super-resolution of Ultrasound Imaging”, “Design of Active Dry Electrodes for BCI systems”, and Super-resolution of Spectrometers )






[Jun. 4th 2014] Jintaek’s manuscript “Predicting the Performance of Cooperative Wireless Networking Schemes with Random Network Coding,” paper number TCOM-TPS-13-0792.R2, is now accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Communications as a Transactions Paper Submissions.

[May. 23th 2013] Prof. Heung-No Lee was given the presentation titled “Medical Application of Brain Computer Interface” at geriatric medicine symposium, Chonnam National University Medical School, Gwangju, Korea.



[Dec. 20th 2013] Prof. Heung-No Lee was given the prestigious award THIS MONTH SCIENCE ENGINEER AWARD by National Research Foundation of Korea, at Sejong Hotel, Seoul, Korea.

20131220 this month's scienceengineer award 1
20131220 this month's scienceengineer award 2

[Nov. 22th ~ 23th, 2012] Prof.Lee and Younghak Shin and Jiyeon Hong and Soogil Woo attended the 7th International Symposium for Aging in Gwangju, Korea

[Nov. 12th ~ 14th, 2013]  Prof. Lee, Seungchan Lee, Soogil Woo, Younghak Shin, Jiyeon Hong demonstrated application of the wireless BCI system in R&D Korea 2013 at KINTEX, Gyeonggi-do.

Best poster award at the 7th International Symposium

[Oct. 16th, 2013]  Prof. Lee, Seungchan Lee, Soogil Woo, Woongbi Lee, Jiyeon Hong attended in 2013 outstanding research achievement exhibition at Gwacheon National Science Museum, Gyeonggi-do.

[August – October 2013] Our INFONET Laboratory was listed in The Top 50 Basic Research by Korean National research Foundation and Top of 100 Great Achievements of National Research and Development. If you are interested please check our institution news block and  Gist news.

[August 5, 2013] Our CS technologies titled “부호 이론적 다중 압축 센싱 기법을 이용한 차세대 핵심 기술 실현” is selected by the Ministry of Science, ICT  and Future Planning as TOP 100 National Research and Development Achievements.

2013-08-28 16.24.56

[July 24, 2013]  The paper, “압축 센싱신호 복구를 위한 AMP(Approximate Message Passing)의 재분석” written by Hyeongho Baek, and Heung-No Lee, is selected as chairman’s recommended paper in Summer symposium of the Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences.

[July 22th ~ 25th, 2013]  Prof. Lee, Jeongmin Ryu, Jongmok Shin and Jusung Kang attended Information Theory Lecture in Soongsil University, Seoul.


[July 3th ~ 7th, 2013]   Seungchan Lee attended IEEE EMBC 2013 (35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society) in Osaka Convention Center, Japan.

[July 3th ~ 5th, 2013]   Younghak Shin, Sangjun Park, Jeongmin Ryu, Pavel Ni, Soogil Woo and Jongmok Shin attended IEEK (Institute of Electronics Engineers of korea) Conference (Summer 2013) in Jeju Island.


[June 23th ~ 27th, 2013]   Woongbi Lee attended Imaging and Optics Congress 2013 held in Arlington, VA, USA.


[June 19th ~ 20th, 2013]   James Oliver, Woongbi Lee, Hyeongho Beak  and  Jusung Kang attended KICS (Korea Information and Communications Society) Conference (Summer 2013) in Jeju Island.

[June 14th ~ 20th, 2013]  Jin-Taek Seong attended STATOS workshop, and presented the entitled paper, “Exact Outage Probability of Two Nodes for Cooperative Networks using GF(4)”, in  Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), in Darmstadt, Germany.

[June 19th, 2013] Jeongmin Ryu attended Large-scale computing seminar in GIST.


[May 29th, 2013] Hwanchol Jang, Sangjun Park, and Jusung Kang attended Small-Cell communication technology in Managing the Science and Technology Center.

[May 23th, 2013]  Hwanchol Jang, Jintaek Seong, Woongbi Lee, Sangjun Park, Jeongmin Ryu, Hyeongho Baek, Jusung Kang, and Jongmok Shin attended next generation wireless communication in Konkuk University.


[May 23th ~ May 24th, 2013]  Younghak Shin, Seungchan Lee and Soogil Woo attended Game Theory and Machine Learning education  in Iwha University. 

[Apr. 7th ~ 10th, 2013]  Jin-Taek Seong and Prof. Heung-No Lee presented the entitled paper, “Exact Outage Probability and Power Allocation of Two Nodes in Cooperative Networks”, in 2013 International Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC).

[April 5, 2013] The paper titled:  “Filters with random transmittance for improving resolution in filter-array-based spectrometers” written by J. Oliver, WoongBi Lee, and Heung-No Lee has been selected by the Editors of the Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics (VJBOfor publication in the their most recent issue.

[Feb. 27th, 2013]  The paper, “Sparse representation-based classification scheme for motor imagery-based brain–computer interface systems ” written by Younghak Shin, Seungchan Lee, Junho Lee and Heung-No Lee , has been chosen as one of JNE’s highlights of 2012

Younghak’s article in Journal of Neural Engineering:

Sparse representation-based classification scheme for motor imagery-based brain–computer interface systems (pdf)
Younghak Shin, Seungchan Lee, Junho Lee and Heung-No Lee

Has been chosen as one of JNE’s highlights of 2012:

The number of total down load from IOP science webpage is 2332.

It will be free to read for the whole of 2013.

[Feb. 21th, 2013]  The paper, “A New Signal Processing Technique for Improving Resolution of Spectrometers” written by Oliver James, Woongbi Lee, Sangjun Park, and Heung-No Lee, is selected as chairman’s recommended paper in Winter symposium of the Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences.

[Feb. 18th ~ Feb. 20th, 2013]  Younghak Shin, Seungchan Lee and Soogil Woo attended IEEE International Winter Workshop on Brain-Computer Interface (2013) in Jeongseon.

[Jan. 30th ~ Feb. 1st, 2013]  Younghak Shin, Seungchan Lee and Soogil Woo attended HCI (Human Computer Interaction) Conference (2013) in Jeongseon.

[Jan. 30th ~ Feb. 1th, 2013] Prof. Heung-No Lee, James Oliver, Jinteak Seong and Sangjun Park attended KICS (Korea Information and Communications Society) Conference (Winter 2013) in Yongpyeong.

[Jan. 15th ~ Jan. 18th, 2013] Woongbi Lee and Sangjun Park attended Machine Learning Tutorial, 2013 in Muju.

[Jan. 7th ~ Jan. 15th, 2013] Prof. Heung-No Lee, Younghak Shin and Soogil Woo attended 2013 CES and IEEE ICCE in las vegas, USA.

[Jan. 6th, 2013] Prof. Heung-No Lee has been invited to serve as an area editor for Elsevier AEU Internation Journal of Electronics and Communications. The area includes communications, information theory, channel coding, signal processing for wirelless communications and networking systems.

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