Lab News

[Jun. 29th~ Jul. 1st, 2017] Sangjun Park, Rohit Thakur, and Cheolsun Kim attended “2017 한국전자공학회 하계종합학술대회” held in Busan, Korea

[Jun. 21th~23th, 2017] INFONET Lab. members attended “2017 한국통신학회 하계종합학술대회” held in Jeju island, Korea

[Jun. 22nd 2017] Woong-Bi Lee attended the “기술이전사업화 사업 최종평가”.

[Apr. 27th 2017] Woong-Bi Lee and Cheolsun Kim attended the “시장 선도형 고부가가치 스마트센서 개발과 응용기술 세미나” held in seoul, KOREA.


[Jan. 28th ~ Feb. 2nd 2017] Prof. Lee, Woong-Bi Lee and Cheolsun Kim attended and given an oral presentation on “SPIE PHOTONICS WEST” held in San Francisco, United States.

[Jan.11th ~ 15th 2017] Zafar Iqbal and Mohamed Yaseen given an oral presentation on ICEIC 2017 conference held in Phuket,Thailand.


[Dec. 02nd ~ 03rd 2016] Jusung Kang and Hyunjun Han attented the제 18회 전자정보통신 학술대회 (CEIC 2016)” held in Daejeon, KOREA


[Nov 16, 2016] Prof. Lee got the ‘GIST Research’ award from GIST.

GIST Researcher award

[Nov 03, 2016] Prof. Lee got the ‘Certificate of Recognition’ from IEEE Gwangju Section.


[Oct. 26th ~ 29th 2016] Muhammad Asif, Jusung Kang, Hyunjun Han and Rohit Thakur attented the “한국 전자전 2016 (KES 2016)” held in COEX, seoul, KOREA.

[June 30, 2016] Prof. Lee’s “Seeing through Computation” was selected as a GIST Top 10 Technologies.

GIST Top 10 award

[Jun. 23th ~ 24th 2016] Woong-Bi Lee and Cheolsun Kim attended the “VR과 드론을 이용한 360도 영상 및 컨텐츠 개발기술 세미나” held in seoul, KOREA.

[Apr. 27th ~ 29th 2016] Prof. Lee, Woong-Bi Lee, Haewung Choi, Je-Hyuk Jang and Cheolsun Kim attended the “The 26th JOINT CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION (JCCI) ” held in Sokcho, KOREA.


[Apr. 17th ~ 21th 2016] Prof. Lee and Woong-Bi Lee attended the “SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing 2016” held in Baltimore, USA.

2016-04-17 09.14.53
2016-04-19 11.45.35

[Dec. 28th 2015] Prof. Lee provided a presentation of trends on compressed sensing field and an instruction for sub-Nyquist sampling techniques in a technical seminar at Hanhwa Thales, Yongin, Korea.

1228thalespicture (2)

[Nov. 27th ~ 28th 2015] Prof. Lee, and Jusung attended the “2015 대한전자공학회 추계 학술대회”, held in Wonju, Korea.

[Nov. 05th 2015] Prof. Lee, Yaseen attended the “2015 International Conference on Computer Applications and Technology (ICCAT)” held in Rome, Italy.

[Oct. 28th 2015] Prof. Lee, Younghak, Zafar, and Seungchan attended the “2015 International Conference on ICT Convergence (ICTC)” held in Jeju Island, Korea.

[Oct. 11th 2015] Prof. Lee, Woongbi, Sangjun, Jusung, Haeung and Jahyuk attended the “2015 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW)” held in Jeju Island, Korea.

[Sep. 17th 2015]  Electronic Warfare Workshop&Exhibition 2015 was held by Agency for Defence Development at Yousung Hotel, Daejeon, Korea

[Sep. 3rd 2015] Seminar with ETRI, department of future technology research. Title of the seminar is: “Seeing through computation: Compressive sensing and its applications.”

[May. 1st 2015] Our paper “Holistic random encoding for imaging through multimode fibers” (Optics Express) has been selected by the Editors, Andrew Dunn and Anthony Durkin, for publication in the most recent issue of the Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics (VJBO) vol. 10, issue. 4, which is a special feature of OSA’s Optics InfoBase,

[May. 16th 2015] The 3rd alumni association and regular general meeting will be held at Gwanju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju, Korea. (Hwp)

alumni association

[Jan. 27th~30th 2015] The Machine Learning Tutorial 2015 was held at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea.


[Jan. 22th~23th 2015] The Sparse Representation in image understanding / image restoration Workshop was held at Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju, Korea.


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