[Nov. 29th, 2012] Woongbi Lee attended ‘Massive MIMO’ Workshop held by the Institute of Electronics Engineering Korea in Iwha University.
[Nov. 23th ~ 24th, 2012] 이흥노 교수님과 류정민 학생, 박상준 학생이 서울 고려대(안암캠퍼스)에서 열린 한국통신학회에 참여했습니다.
[Nov. 11th ~ 13th, 2012] Zafar Iqbal 학생과 류정민 학생이 서울 동국대에서 열린 GRDC Symposium에 참여했습니다.
[Dec. 20th 2013] Prof. Heung-No Lee was given the prestigious award THIS MONTH SCIENCE ENGINEER AWARD by National Research Foundation of Korea, at Sejong Hotel, Seoul, Korea.
[Octtober 20, 2012] Soogil Woo, Younghak Shin, Sungchan Lee and Heung-No Lee received a best poster award at the 6th International Symposium for Aging in Gwangju, Korea
[July, 2012] An article about our professor in the GIST journal (2012 Spring – Vol.17 No.1)
[July, 2012] Sangjun Park’s paper has been accepted at the premier conference on INFORMATION THEORY, ISIT 2012. The conference will be held at MIT, Boston, USA, from the week starting at July 1st.
[July. 5th ~ 6th, 2012] Younghak Shin and Seungchan Lee and Soogil Woo attended 2012 iMSE&DMSE Joint Workhsop in Gunsan, Korea.
[July. 1st ~ 7th, 2012] Prof.Lee and Sangjun Park and Jeongmin Ryu attended ISIT 2012 held in MIT, MA, USA.
[July. 1st ~ 7th, 2012] Hwanchol Jang and Jaegun Choi and Hyeongho Baek attended IEEE Summer School held in National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, R.O.C.
[June. 27th ~ 29th, 2012] Hwanchol Jang, Jinteak Seong, Seungchan Lee, Younghak Shin and Prof. Lee attended 2012 IEEK Summer Conference in Jeju Grand Hotel.
[June. 20th ~ 22th, 2012] Jaegun Choi and Soogil Woo attended KICS (Korea Information and Communications Society) Conference (Summer 2012) in Jeju Island.
[June. 21th] Muhammad Asif Raza and HyeongHo Baek attened Kick off meetting in ETRI.
[Feb. 1st ~ 3rd, 2012] Hyeong-Won Jeon attended ICEIC2012 International Conference held in Jeongseon, Korea.
[Nov. 7th ~ 10th, 2011] HyeongWon Jeon attended MILCOM2011 Conference held in Baltimore, USA.
[Nov. 6th ~ 9th, 2011] Hwanchol Jang and Sangjun Park attended 45th Asilomar Conference.
[Sep. 28th ~ 30th, 2011] Prof. Lee and student Sangjun Park attended and presented a paper at ICTC 2011 held in Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
[Sep. 24th, 2011] Our group has organized a special session on Compressed Sensing in the 2011 Korean Signal Processing Conference (Korean: 신호처리합동학술대회). Prof. Jong Chul Ye and Prof. Kilhyun Kwon from KAIST, Prof. Byeonghyo Shim from Korea University, Prof. Prof. Jeong A Lee from Chosun University, Prof. Bang Chul Jeong from Yong Nam University, and Prof. Kiseon Kim from GIST, and their students pparticipated.
[Aug. 17th ~ 19th, 2011] Hwanchol Jang attended JCICT & YES-ICuC 2011 in Shandong University, Weihai, China.
[Jun. 27th ~ 30th, 2011] Our group, Prof. Lee and four students, attended SPARSE 11 (Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representation) Edinburgh, Scottland. We had four poster sessions there.
[Jun. 22th ~ 24th, 2011] Professor Lee and 15 lab members attended IEEK Conference 2011 in Jeju Island.
[Jun. 20th ~ 22th, 2011] Professor Lee and 8 lab members attended KICS (Korea Information Communications Society) Conference (Summer 2011) in Jeju Island.
[May 12th ~ 16th, 2011] Y.H. Shin and S.C. Lee have attended NFSI & ICBEM 2011. Below is a picture Shin presents at the conference.
[May 11th ~ 13th, 2011] Prof. Lee and two students attended JCCI 2011 in Busan.
[Mar. 23rd ~ 25th, 2011] Prof. Lee and J.T. Seong attended and presented a paper at the 45th CISS at Johns Hopkins University, U.S.A. Below is a picture Seong presents his paper. The other one (right) is a picture taken while having lunch with Prof. Simon Haykin and JHU faculty members.
[Feb. 23rd ~ 25th, 2011] Prof. Lee and nine students attended KICS (Korea Information and Communications Society) Conference (Winter 2011) at Yong Pyeong, Korea.
[Dec. 21st, 2010] We had a Compressive Sensing workshop in our lab on Dec. 21st, 2010. Prof. Jong Chul Ye (KAIST), Prof. Yoram Bresler (UIUC, USA), Prof. Dror Baron (North Carolina SU, USA) have been invited and joined our workshop.
[Dec. 18th, 2010] Prof. Lee and six students in the lab have attended a workshop in Seoul, Korea on Dec. 18th, 2010. The theme of the workshop was 2010 Image Processing, Computer Vision, Compressive Sensing Relatted Application.
[Nov. 15th, 2010] Prof. Lee, Su-Je Lee and Hyeong-Won Jeon have attended The GRDC Symposium 2010 held at Catholic University, Seoul, Korea on Nov. 15th, 2010.
[Nov. 7th ~ 10th, 2010] Professor Lee and a Master/Ph.D. combined course student Sanjun Park attended the 44th Ailomar Conference.
[Oct. 15th, 2010] 이흥노 교수님 외 12명이 광주 근교에 있는 병풍산으로 등산하고 왔습니다.
[Sep. 7th, 2010] 2010년도 핵심연구사업(공동연구)에 본 연구실이 제안한 “네트워크 코딩 기반의 무선자원 최적화 연구” 프로젝트가 신규 선정되었읍니다. 총괄연구 책임자 이흥노 교수님 외 두분의 홍익대학교 와 광주과기원 교수님께서 앞으로 3년간 공동연구를 진행할 예정입니다. 연구에 참여한 연구원들 모두에게 축하를 보내 드림니다.
[Aug. 18th ~ 20th, 2010] 이흥노 교수님 외 2명이 카이스트에서 열리는 “2010 Compressive Sensing Summer School”에 참석 하였습니다. 이흥노 교수님과 박상준 학생이 발표하였읍니다. Summer School자료가 필요하신 분은 박상준( sjpark1@gist.ac.kr)학생에게 문의하십시요.
[Jul. 05th ~ 08th, 2010] 성진택 외 3명이 건국대학교에서 열리는 “네트워크 정보이론 단기 강좌”에 참여했습니다.
[Jun. 16th~ 18th, 2010] 이흥노 교수님 외 6명이 제주도에서 열린 컨퍼런스(대한 전자공학회 주관)에 참여했습니다.
[May 29th ~ June 4th, 2010] 석사과정 신영학 학생과 이승찬 학생이 미국 California Monterey에 Asilomar Conference Center에서 열리는 7th BCI2000 Workshop과 4th BCI Meeting에 참가하였습니다. 다음은 워크샵 실험참가 사진입니다.
[June 4th, 2010] Prof. Lee was awarded with the presigious Do-Yak Research Lab. certificate from the Minister of Education, Science, and Technology on June 4th, 2010. 이흥노 교수님께서 6월 4일 서울 웨스틴 조선호텔에서 교과부 장관으로부터 한국연구재단 도약 연구실 지정서 수여식에 참석하였습니다.
[April 30th, 2010] Prof. Heung-No Lee, the director of INFONET Laboratory at GIST, was notified on April 30th, 2010 that he was awarded with a prestigious 2010 Do-Yak Research Grant from the National Research Foundation. The title of the project is CODing theoretic comPRESSive sensing for multiple sensor systems(CODPRESS). The lab will receive five year grant whose total funding amount is about $1.5 million US dollars(1$ = 1K won). 이흥노 교수님께서 2010년도 한국연구재단 도약연구사업(舊 국가지정연구실 사업)에 신규 선정되셨습니다. 연구제목은 “부호이론적 다중압축 센싱 시스템” 이고 연구기간은 2010년 5월 1일부터 2015년 4월 30일 까지 입니다. 연구에 참여하고 있는 연구원들 모두에게 축하 드립니다.