IEEE Gwangju Section

Seungmin Kim Avatar


2014 In year 2014, the Section offered several technical and social meetings. Most technical activities were given at the campus of GIST, Korea.

  1. Dr. Dr. Jeong-Woo Sohn, Principal Researcher at DGMIF, Korea, was invited to give a talk on Jan. 20th, 2014
    • Gwangju Section invited Dr. Jeong-Woo Sohn who researcher at DGMIF. He is a professional in Brain machine interface (BMI). BMI is a term indicating methodological effort to bypass the brain signal to machines or outer input to the brain. About BMI, he aim to introduce the successful cases of control of actuators including robot arms exploded with BMI approach. In this seminar, firstly, he presented features and limit of several methods to record neuronal signal regarding on BMI.  And he showed neuronal principle for high-degree freedom of movement BMI.
2013 In year 2013, the Section offered seven technical and social meetings. Most technical activities were given at the campus of GIST, Korea. Speakers were invited not only from all over Korea but also from abroad, including the United Kingdom of England and the United States of America.

  1. Asia-Pacific Microwave Photonics Conference 2013, April 22-24, 2013,  Gwangju, Korea
    • Prof. Heung-No Lee, IEEE Gwangju Section Chair gave BEST STUDENT POSTER AWARDS to two students. The best student poster awards were sponsored by IEEE Gwangju Section. Recipients were Mr. Y. Takashima, who presented a paper on “Analysis of DFG-Based Millimeter-Wave Signal Generation in Rectangular Waveguides Embedded with a Nonlinear Optical Crystal and Its Applications to Optical Signal Correlator and Convertor” and Mr. M. Ko, who presented a paper on “A 5-GHz CMOS Integrated Radio-Over-Fiber Receiver”.
    • Prof. Jong-In Song, a professor of GIST and Section’s Vice Chair, organized Asia-Pacific Microwave Photonics Conference 2013 held in GIST from 22th to 24th in April. There were three keynote speeches, 10 invited talks, 34 oral presentations and 29 poster presentations. The participants discussed microwave photonics technologies and numerous application fields such as wireless and fiber-optic communications networks, radars, sensors, measurement and instrumentation.
  2. Prof. Jong Won Shin, IEEE Gwangju Section Secretary 2014, invited Dr. Choi, a postdoc of Boston University, to give a talk at GIST, October 2th, 2013
    • IEEE Gwangju Section invited a special guest; Dr. Choi who is a senior post-doctoral associate of Boston University. He gave a seminar titled “the brain dynamics of auditory attention”.  Related verbal communication in multi-source environments, this seminar reviews how we explore neural mechanisms of the human auditory attention using functional brain-imaging techniques (M/EEG, MRI), and introduces recent studies about individual differences in the ability to solve the cocktail party problem.
  3. October 25th, 2013, Social Presentation
    • Gwangju Section invited a special guest; Prof. Ahn who is an emeritus Prof. of Seoul N. Univ. Prof. Ahn brought interesting issues for engineers and scientists related to old histories, on which he has been spending a lot of time after his retirement. Especially, he touched a systematic approach towards investigating, reasoning and logical interpretation of social sciences observastions. Further, he has shared information as an ex-IEEE HQ officer and R10 Director and many volunteers’ position holders for IEEE, and gave many encouraging comments on how to operate the local section and promote IEEE in Gwangju.
  4. December 17th, 2013,  Year End IEEE Pizza party
    • Gwangju Section held a farewell year party for the member/non-member of IEEE. In this party, we have a special concert which participated by many professors of GIST including the Present of the GIST, Dr. Youngjun Kim. We introduced what we are doing and activities we have planned in 2014 at IEEE Gwangju Section. Professors, students, staffs have enjoyed the event and promoted are friendship among the Gwangju Section members.
  5. IEEE Gwangju Section sponsored a dinner meeting to discuss Internet of Things and 5G issues. December 17th, 2013.
    • Gwangju Section invited Prof. Lee who is an Prof. of City University of New York with interesting topic; Internet of Things (IoT). In this seminar, he aims to introduce definition, technical enablers, applications, issues, and standardization efforts in IoT. And he gave the examples about the integration of current and emerging technologies: cloud computing, smartphone, and IoT. He also introduced some of CUNY’s researches in the area of Industrial WSN and mobile cloud computing, and and major contributions to IEEE standards (IEEE 802.15.4e, and IEEE 802.15.5.)
  6. Dr. Taesu Kim, Qualcomm Research, Korea, was invited to give a talk on Dec. 23rd, 2013.
    • Dr. Kim gave a seminar with interesting topic about mobile computing environments. In this seminar, he aims to introduce the changes of technical trends in mobile environments. Firstly, he presented how to utilize the convergence technology between sensor technology and machine learning technique in personalized mobile computing environments. And He discussed demanded technology in future mobile environments.

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