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    Blockchain Repository

    < BlockChain > This repository is to collect original blockchain articles and provide timely spread of new knowledge in blockchain and cryptocurrencies. The following areas of contribution are welcomed–Law, Philosophy,…

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    Blockchain and Future Society 2019

    Professor Heung-No Lee Welcome to the class of Blockchain and Future Society 2019 Contents Contents  Youtube Link 1 3/4 Class 1: Course Information This lecture contains: General information Blockchain Technology…

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    INFONET Blockchain

    Demo Video: The aim of this demo is show that our blockchain consensus mechanism is working properly. A suite of codes implementing the consensus mechanism is written in python and…

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    [Job Notice]

    We have openings for multiple korean post-doc and research professors (link (Korean)) as well as graduate students.

  • 2016년 GIST 연구성과물 전시회

    2016년 GIST 연구성과물 전시회 소개자료 Whole week from 11.21~11.26 there will be Research Outcome Exhibition at GIST Oryong hall. Please come meet people of GIST and check our boost!

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    [Conference Notice] – IEEE CTW2017 | IEEE ISIT2017 | IJCAI2017 | ASA2017

    1. 2017 IEEE Communication Theory Workshop The workshop will be held at the superb Intercontinetal Resort on the beautiful Natadola bay in tropical Fiji from June 11-14, 2017. Natadola bay is…

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    [Conference Notice] – ICASSP / CONIELECOMP / ICAART

    1. (ICASSP 2017) The 42th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Place: New Orleans, USA Date: March 5-9, 2017 Submission of regular papers: September 12th, 2016   2.…

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    Intelligent Sensors Research Center

    개요 센 터 명 ○ 국문:  센서 지능화 연구센터 ○ 영문:  Intelligent Sensors Research Center 센터구성원   엄태중, 장환철, 정의헌, 신종원, 함병승, 김강욱, 김기선, 이민재, 이용탁, 이병하, 호요성, Rajesh Kumar, 박홍준,…

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    Intelligent Sensors Research Center (센서 지능화 연구센터)

    센 터 명 ○ 국문:  센서 지능화 연구센터 ○ 영문:  Intelligent Sensors Research Center 센터구성원  엄태중, 장환철, 정의헌, 신종원, 함병승, 김강욱, 김기선, 이민재, 이용탁, 이병하, 호요성, Rajesh Kumar, 박홍준, 최원식,…

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    Younghak Shin

    My research My research focuses on EEG (Electroencephalography) based brain-computer interface (BCI). Specifically, EEG signal processing using pattern recognition and machine learning techniques is main research interest. My research contributions are to…