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    Repository for AI research

    This repository is designed to collect brilliant research ideas for our AI researches on sensor intelligence. So, the person who want to post their summaries, please follow these steps for…

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    Blockchain Repository

    < BlockChain > This repository is to collect original blockchain articles and provide timely spread of new knowledge in blockchain and cryptocurrencies. The following areas of contribution are welcomed–Law, Philosophy,…

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    INFONET Blockchain

    Demo Video: The aim of this demo is show that our blockchain consensus mechanism is working properly. A suite of codes implementing the consensus mechanism is written in python and…

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    Intelligent Sensors Research Center

    개요 센 터 명 ○ 국문:  센서 지능화 연구센터 ○ 영문:  Intelligent Sensors Research Center 센터구성원   엄태중, 장환철, 정의헌, 신종원, 함병승, 김강욱, 김기선, 이민재, 이용탁, 이병하, 호요성, Rajesh Kumar, 박홍준,…

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    Intelligent Sensors Research Center (센서 지능화 연구센터)

    센 터 명 ○ 국문:  센서 지능화 연구센터 ○ 영문:  Intelligent Sensors Research Center 센터구성원  엄태중, 장환철, 정의헌, 신종원, 함병승, 김강욱, 김기선, 이민재, 이용탁, 이병하, 호요성, Rajesh Kumar, 박홍준, 최원식,…

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    Deep Learning

    Deep Learning is introduced in this page. Although it is not complete as of yet, the links provided in this page are hot and the materials there are genuine and…

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    What is a spectrometer? A nice Youtube video by NC Community College exists which answers this question: Can we make a spectrometer? Yes!!! Now I have a transmittance pattern.…

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    Negative SNR Communications

    Communicating reliably to a remote receiver under a negative dB signal to noise ratio (SNR) condition This is a note supplement to my lecture note for GIST College’s Communications Engineering…

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    High Resolution Ultrasound Imaging using Random Interference

    High-Resolution Ultrasound Imaging using Random Interference Pavel S. Ni, and Heung-No Lee*, “High-Resolution Ultrasound Imaging Using Random Interference”, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control (T-UFFC), March. 2020. (Impact Factor:…

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    Documents 2014

    2014 Summer INFONET Workshop Total presentation materials (pdf) A4 version (pdf) Journal Club Meeting Documents