Blog posting

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Explanation of the ways to posting the blog pages.

(Written dates : 2019.04.22)

This page was made for representation and categorization of the posted blog.

If there is anyone who want to post a new research related topics, please follow the below steps.

  • Step 1. Make a new ‘sub’ post pages
  • Step 2. Post the research related topics with detailed comments.
  • Step 2.5. present the post with related position (edit -> appearance -> manus -> [all posts] add to manu -> align on the related position).
  • Step 3. Please comments the summarized information of the new post at this posting page.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask it to Jusung or Pavel.

< Categorization of the posted blog>

1. AI related ones

  • [AI-post 1] What is the future problem which Deepmind team want to solve after AlphaStar? (posting date : 190213)
  • [AI-post 2] Short summary of the Deep Mind blog (posting date : 190418)
  • [AI-post 3] Exam problem prediction for the judicial examination (posting date : 190429)
  • [AI-post 4] Anomaly Detection method via GAN (posting date : 190529)
  • —— samples ——–

2. Block chain related ones

  • [BC-post 1] The application for using both AI and Blockchain (posting date : 190320)
  • —— samples ——–